Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Tis Christmas Day full of good memories
Of all the wonderful times that have past;
With the special gifts from loved ones
And thoughts that will forever last.

The tree is brilliantly lit with glow
With the wrapped presents down under;
Patiently awaiting to be opened
In awe of this Christmas season wonder.

A fire warms the chilly room
With dancing flames that endlessly glow;
Waiting for people to gather
To celebrate with laughter and a HOHO.

Snow gently falls from the sky
Blanketing the ground with white;
Nature’s gift to cleanse the soul
And offer this gift of light.

Blessings shine upon a glorious day
As we celebrate it with a loved one;
The future is bright in this warm winter light
For all the New Year days yet to come.